alloc4 : proc options(main); %REPLACE compile_date BY '13-Jul-82 RLS'; /* Pass 4 of the V-11 microcode address allocator. This pass reads in a .U40 file, prints its linking constituents, and error-checks for duplicate words. Written by Richard L. Sites July, 1982 */ /* CHANGE HISTORY: */ /* 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789. (1) ; <<< ALLOCATED 06-Jul-82 23:14:55 (2) ; ALLOCATED 06-Jul-82 23:14:55 >>> (3) ;= GBL 104B EXTZV.. (3) ;= EXT 0008 (4) ; LINK1.ULD MICRO2 1M(01) 6-JUL-82 16:57:45 (5) [15B4]=B46380A053 (5) [15B4]I=F0F0B46380A053 (5) [7FFF]=0007061810 */ %replace false by '0'b; %replace true by '1'b; %REPLACE max_files BY 5; %REPLACE push_ts_col BY 17; %REPLACE ext_col BY 4; %REPLACE extaddr_col BY 8; %REPLACE extname_col BY 13; %REPLACE file_col BY 2; %REPLACE date_col BY 48; %REPLACE time_col BY 59; %REPLACE codeaddr_col BY 2; %REPLACE memory_col BY 7; %replace unknown by -3; %replace extrn by -2; %replace addr_zero by -1; %REPLACE max_addr BY 32767; %REPLACE from_lower BY 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; %REPLACE to_upper BY 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; DCL curr_col FIXED BIN(31); DCL (flag_verbose,flag_xref) BIT(1) ALIGNED; DCL file_name(0:max_files) CHAR(13); DCL micro2_ts(0:max_files) CHAR(18); DCL alloc_ts(0:max_files) CHAR(18); DCL global_seen(0:max_addr) BIT(1); /* set if Global for a0000 */ DCL is_ext (0:max_addr) BIT(1); /* set if Ext for m0000 */ DCL code_count(0:max_files,0:25) FIXED BIN(31); dcl hash_anchor(0:1023) ptr; DCL code_anchors(0:max_addr) PTR; DCL gbl_anchor PTR; DCL file_number FIXED BIN(31); DCL max_file_seen FIXED BIN(31); DCL 1 code_node BASED, 2 link PTR, 2 file_no FIXED BIN(7), 2 mem CHAR(1), 2 code_text CHAR(10); DCL 1 root_node BASED, 2 link PTR, 2 suffix_link PTR, 2 root_name CHAR(30) VAR; DCL 1 suffix_node BASED, 2 link PTR, 2 addr FIXED BIN(15), 2 file_no FIXED BIN(15), 2 suffix_name CHAR(30) VAR; DCL hex_table(0:15) char(1) initial('0','1','2','3','4','5','6', '7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F') STATIC READONLY; dcl debug char(30) var; /* debugging options */ dcl buf char(255) var; /* input text line */ dcl current_umem char(1); /* extracted micro memory */ dcl current_uaddr fixed bin(31); /* extracted micro address */ dcl current_ubits bit(128) ALIGNED; /* extracted micro instruction, left justified */ dcl 1 buf_window, /* part before possible FF */ 2 start fixed bin(31), /* window into buf */ 2 len fixed bin(31); dcl null builtin; dcl (uldfile) file; dcl (uldname) char(80) var; dcl eof bit(1) ALIGNED; dcl (tab,ff) char(1); dcl 1 cons based, 2 car ptr, 2 cdr ptr; dcl 1 w, 2 start fixed bin(31), 2 len fixed bin(31); hashval : proc(n) returns(fixed bin(31)); /* hash name n. heavy weight on first char<3:0>, last char<3:0> */ /* length<1:0>. result in range 0..1023 */ dcl n char(30) var; dcl i fixed bin(31); i = length(n); if i>0 then i = mod( rank(substr(n,1,1))*65 + rank(substr(n,i,1))*4 + i, 1024 ); return(i); end; /* hashval */ symtable : proc(n,is_new) returns(ptr); /* looks up name n in symtab. if not found, inserts it. */ /* returns is_new=true if inserted */ dcl n char(30) var; dcl is_new bit(1) ALIGNED; dcl i fixed bin(31), p ptr; i = hashval(n); p = hash_anchor(i); do while( (p^=null) & (p->root_node.root_name^=n) ); p = p->; end; is_new = (p=null); if p=null then do; /* insert new entry */ allocate root_node set(p); CALL enqueue(gbl_anchor,p); p-> = hash_anchor(i); p->root_node.root_name = n; p->root_node.suffix_link = null; hash_anchor(i) = p; end; /* insert new entry */ return(p); end; /* symtable */ sort_list : PROC(p) RETURNS(PTR); /* sort a single-linked list. insertion sort */ /* lists are expected to be short */ DCL p PTR; DCL q PTR; DCL sorted_p PTR; DCL (walk_p,walk_s) PTR; DCL (walk_sorted_p,walk_sorted_s,old_walk_p) PTR; sorted_p = NULL; walk_p = p; /* take each thing off p and put it on sorted_p */ DO WHILE(walk_p^=NULL); walk_s = walk_p ->; q = walk_p -> cons.cdr; walk_sorted_p = sorted_p; old_walk_p = NULL; DO WHILE(walk_sorted_p^=NULL); walk_sorted_s = walk_sorted_p ->; IF walk_s->root_node.root_name <= walk_sorted_s->root_node.root_name THEN GOTO fall_out; old_walk_p = walk_sorted_p; walk_sorted_p = walk_sorted_p -> cons.cdr; END; /* walk_sorted_p */ fall_out: /* put walk_p AFTER old_walk_p */ IF old_walk_p = NULL THEN DO; walk_p -> cons.cdr = sorted_p; sorted_p = walk_p; END; ELSE DO; walk_p -> cons.cdr = old_walk_p -> cons.cdr; old_walk_p -> cons.cdr = walk_p; END; walk_p = q; END; /* walk_p */ RETURN(sorted_p); END sort_list; enqueue : proc(anchor,p); /* add p to linked list anchor */ dcl (anchor,p) ptr; dcl q ptr; allocate cons set(q); q-> = p; q->cons.cdr = anchor; anchor = q; end; /* enqueue */ hex_mcr_time_stamp : PROC RETURNS(CHAR(10)); /* convert MCR time stamp to 00mmddhhmm */ DCL c10 CHAR(10); DCL i FIXED BIN(31); DCL mcr_time_stamp CHAR(18); /* mcr_time_stamp: " 3-APR-82 21:06:50" 123456789.123456789. */ c10 = '0000000000'; i = INDEX('JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC', SUBSTR(mcr_time_stamp,4,3)); i = DIVIDE(i-1,3,31,0)+1; /* 1-12 */ SUBSTR(c10,3,1) = BYTE( DIVIDE(i,10,31,0) + RANK('0') ); SUBSTR(c10,4,1) = BYTE( MOD(i,10) + RANK('0') ); SUBSTR(c10,5,2) = SUBSTR(mcr_time_stamp,1,2); SUBSTR(c10,7,2) = SUBSTR(mcr_time_stamp,11,2); SUBSTR(c10,9,2) = SUBSTR(mcr_time_stamp,14,2); IF SUBSTR(c10,5,1)=' ' THEN SUBSTR(c10,5,1) = '0'; IF SUBSTR(c10,7,1)=' ' THEN SUBSTR(c10,7,1) = '0'; RETURN(c10); END hex_mcr_time_stamp; epilogue : proc; put skip edit ('Closing file ',uldname) (a,a); close file(uldfile); end; /* epilogue */ untab : proc(s); /* Replaces tabs in string s with blanks. Tab = cols 8n+1 */ dcl s char(255) var; dcl (i,j) fixed bin(31); i = index(s,tab); do while (i>0); s = substr(s,1,i-1) || substr(' ',1,mod(8-i,8)+1) || substr(s,i+1); i = index(s,tab); end; /* do while */ end; /* untab */ GET_FILE_AND_DEBUG: PROCEDURE; %include $stsdef; declare lib$get_foreign external entry(char(*)) options(variable) returns(fixed binary(31)); declare (input_BUFFER) character(132); DECLARE (POINT_START,BUFF_START,POINT_END) FIXED BINARY(31); INPUT_BUFFER=' '; sts$value=lib$get_foreign(input_BUFFER); INPUT_BUFFER = translate(INPUT_BUFFER,to_upper,from_lower); POINT_START=VERIFY(INPUT_BUFFER,' '); IF POINT_START^= 0 THEN DO; POINT_END = INDEX(SUBSTR(INPUT_BUFFER,POINT_START,132-POINT_START),' '); uldname=SUBSTR(INPUT_BUFFER,POINT_START,POINT_END-POINT_START); BUFF_START=INDEX(INPUT_BUFFER,'/DEBUG='); IF BUFF_START=0 THEN DEBUG=''; ELSE DEBUG = SUBSTR(INPUT_BUFFER,BUFF_START+7,INDEX(SUBSTR(INPUT_BUFFER,BUFF_START+7),' ')-1); END; ELSE DO; PUT SKIP LIST('INPUT FILE <.U40>: '); GET LIST(uldname); /* ---------- OPTIONS ------------------------------------------------------- */ put skip edit('V(erbose X(ref ') (A); put skip edit('Debugging options: ') (a); get list(debug); END; put skip edit('Debugging options: ') (a); debug = translate(debug,to_upper,from_lower); put skip list(debug); flag_verbose = INDEX(debug,'V')^=0; flag_xref = INDEX(debug,'X')^=0; END get_file_and_debug; prologue : proc; dcl i fixed bin(31); dcl tt char(8); dcl months(1:12) char(3) static readonly initial( 'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun', 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'); put skip list ('ADDRESS ALLOCATOR, PASS 4. '||compile_date); call GET_FILE_AND_DEBUG; uldname = uldname ||'.U40'; put skip edit ('Opening file ',uldname) (a,a); open file(uldfile) stream input title(uldname); put skip; tab = byte(9); ff = byte(12); global_seen = false; is_ext = false; gbl_anchor = null; hash_anchor = null; code_anchors = null; code_count = 0; file_number = 0; max_file_seen = 0; file_name = ''; micro2_ts = ''; alloc_ts = ''; end; /* prologue */ get_hex4 : PROC(c4) RETURNS(FIXED BIN(31)); /* Converts 4 hex chars to integer */ DCL c4 CHAR(4); DCL n FIXED BIN(31); DCL (i,j) FIXED BIN(31); DCL c CHAR(1); n = 0; DO i= 1 TO 4; c = SUBSTR(c4,i,1); IF '0'<=c & c<='9' THEN n = n*16 + RANK(c)-RANK('0'); ELSE IF 'A'<=c & c<='F' THEN N = N*16 + RANK(c)-RANK('A')+10; ELSE IF 'a'<=c & c<='f' THEN N = N*16 + RANK(c)-RANK('a')+10; END; RETURN(n); END get_hex4; put_hex4 : PROC(n) RETURNS(CHAR(4)); /* Converts integer to 4 hex chars */ DCL c4 CHAR(4); DCL n FIXED BIN(31); DCL (i,k) FIXED BIN(31); k = n; DO i= 4 TO 1 BY -1; SUBSTR(c4,i,1) = hex_table(MOD(k,16)); k = DIVIDE(k,16,31,0); END; RETURN(c4); END put_hex4; reverse : proc(anch); /* reverse single-linked cdr list */ dcl anch ptr; dcl (p,q,r) ptr; q = null; p = anch; do while(p^=null); r = p; /* r = elem to change */ p = p->cons.cdr; /* p = unchanged sublist */ r->cons.cdr = q; /* q = reversed sublist */ q = r; end; anch = q; end; /* reverse */ enter_name : PROC( is_ext, addr, name); DCL is_ext BIT(1) ALIGNED; DCL addr FIXED BIN(31); DCL name CHAR(31) VAR; DCL (p,q) PTR; DCL (root,suffix) CHAR(30) VAR; DCL i FIXED BIN(31); DCL is_new BIT(1) ALIGNED; i = MAX( INDEX(name,'..'), INDEX(name,'__') ); root = SUBSTR(name,1,i+1); /* foo.. */ suffix = SUBSTR(name,i+2); /* baz */ p = symtable(root,is_new); ALLOCATE suffix_node SET(q); q -> suffix_node.addr = addr; q -> suffix_node.file_no = file_number; q -> suffix_node.suffix_name = suffix; q -> = p -> root_node.suffix_link; p -> root_node.suffix_link = q; END enter_name; enter_code : PROC(addr, mem, text); DCL addr FIXED BIN(31); DCL mem CHAR(1); DCL text CHAR(31) VAR; DCL c CHAR(1), i FIXED BIN(31); DCL p PTR; IF mem='=' THEN c = 'U'; ELSE c = mem; i = RANK(c)-RANK('A'); code_count(file_number,i) = code_count(file_number,i) + 1; ALLOCATE code_node SET(p); p -> code_node.file_no = file_number; p -> code_node.mem = c; p -> code_node.code_text = text; p -> = code_anchors(addr); code_anchors(addr) = p; END enter_code; process_push : PROC; /* increment file # and extract date/time */ file_number = file_number + 1; max_file_seen = MAX(max_file_seen,file_number); buf = TRANSLATE(buf,to_upper,from_lower); alloc_ts(file_number) = SUBSTR(buf,push_ts_col,18); IF SUBSTR(alloc_ts(file_number),1,1)='0' THEN SUBSTR(alloc_ts(file_number),1,1) = ' '; END process_push; process_pop : PROC; /* decrement file number */ file_number = file_number - 1; END process_pop; process_gbl_ext : PROC; /* extract gbl/ext, address, and name */ CALL enter_name( SUBSTR(buf,ext_col,3)='EXT', get_hex4(SUBSTR(buf,extaddr_col,4)), SUBSTR(buf,extname_col) ); END process_gbl_ext; process_heading : PROC; /* extract file name and timestamp */ buf = TRANSLATE(buf,to_upper,from_lower); CALL untab(buf); file_name(file_number) = SUBSTR(buf,file_col,13); micro2_ts(file_number) = SUBSTR(buf,date_col,10) || SUBSTR(buf,time_col,8); IF SUBSTR(micro2_ts(file_number),1,1)='0' THEN SUBSTR(micro2_ts(file_number),1,1) = ' '; END process_heading; process_code : PROC; /* extract address, memory, and data */ CALL enter_code( get_hex4(SUBSTR(buf,codeaddr_col,4)), SUBSTR(buf,memory_col,1), SUBSTR(buf,INDEX(buf,'=')+1) ); END process_code; process_one_line : PROC; /* take one U40 line and extract info */ IF INDEX(buf,'<<<')^=0 THEN CALL process_push; ELSE IF INDEX(buf,'>>>')^=0 THEN CALL process_pop; ELSE IF INDEX(buf,';=')=1 THEN CALL process_gbl_ext; ELSE IF INDEX(buf,'MICRO2')^=0 THEN CALL process_heading; ELSE IF INDEX(buf,'[')=1 THEN CALL process_code; END process_one_line; sum : PROC(j) RETURNS( FIXED BIN(31) ); /* Returns sum of code_count(*,j) */ DCL (i,j,s) FIXED BIN(31); s = 0; DO i=1 TO max_file_seen; s = s + code_count(i,j); END; RETURN(s); END sum; calc_e_dupl : PROC(p,has_dupl); /* scan suffix_list for duplicates */ /* if not verbose, ignore all EXT entries */ DCL (p,q) PTR; DCL (has_dupl,has_one) BIT(1) ALIGNED; DCL c FIXED BIN(31); has_one = '0'B; has_dupl = '0'B; q = p -> root_node.suffix_link; DO WHILE( q^=NULL ); IF flag_verbose | q->suffix_node.suffix_name='' THEN IF SUBSTR(has_one,1,1) THEN SUBSTR(has_dupl,1,1) = true; ELSE SUBSTR(has_one,1,1) = true; q = q ->; END; /* do q */ END calc_e_dupl; print_e_dupl : PROC(p); /* print duplicates from ext/gbl lists */ DCL (p,q) PTR; q = p -> root_node.suffix_link; DO WHILE( q^=NULL ); PUT EDIT('File ', q->suffix_node.file_no, '[', put_hex4(BINARY(q->suffix_node.addr,31)), ']', p->root_node.root_name || q->suffix_node.suffix_name) (A,F(2),X(1),A,A,A,X(1),A); PUT SKIP; q = q ->; PUT SKIP; END; /* do q */ END print_e_dupl; calc_e_unres : PROC(p,has_unres); /* scan suffix_list for duplicates */ /* if not verbose, ignore all EXT entries */ DCL (p,q) PTR; DCL (has_unres,has_one) BIT(1) ALIGNED; DCL c FIXED BIN(31); has_unres = true; q = p -> root_node.suffix_link; DO WHILE( q^=NULL ); IF q -> suffix_node.suffix_name='' THEN has_unres = false; q = q ->; END; /* do q */ END calc_e_unres; print_e_unres : PROC(p); /* print duplicates from ext/gbl lists */ DCL (p,q) PTR; DCL i FIXED BIN(31); i = LENGTH(p->root_node.root_name) + 3; IF curr_col+i > 80 THEN DO; PUT SKIP; curr_col = 1; END; curr_col = curr_col + i; PUT EDIT(p->root_node.root_name || ' ') (A); END print_e_unres; print_ext_gbl : PROC; /* complain about duplicates, do xref */ DCL (p,q) PTR; DCL has_dupl BIT(1) ALIGNED; put skip; put list('Duplicate globals'); put skip; put list('-----------------'); put skip; p = gbl_anchor; DO WHILE( p^=NULL ); q = p ->; CALL calc_e_dupl(q,has_dupl); IF has_dupl THEN CALL print_e_dupl(q); p = p -> cons.cdr; END; /* do p */ END print_ext_gbl; print_xref : PROC; /* complain about duplicates, do xref */ DCL (p,q) PTR; DCL has_unres BIT(1) ALIGNED; put skip; put list('Unresolved externals'); put skip; put list('--------------------'); put skip; curr_col = 1; p = gbl_anchor; DO WHILE( p^=NULL ); q = p ->; CALL calc_e_unres(q,has_unres); IF has_unres THEN CALL print_e_unres(q); p = p -> cons.cdr; END; /* do p */ put skip; put skip; put list('Resolved globals'); put skip; put list('----------------'); put skip; curr_col = 1; p = gbl_anchor; DO WHILE( p^=NULL ); q = p ->; CALL calc_e_unres(q,has_unres); IF ^has_unres THEN CALL print_e_unres(q); p = p -> cons.cdr; END; /* do p */ put skip; END print_xref; calc_dupl : PROC(p,has_dupl); /* set 26-bit vector of duplicate entries at this address */ /* if not verbose, ignore all HALT instructions */ DCL (p,q) PTR; DCL (has_dupl,has_one) BIT(26) ALIGNED; DCL c FIXED BIN(31); has_one = '0'B; has_dupl = '0'B; q = p; DO WHILE( q^=NULL ); c = RANK(q -> code_node.mem) - RANK('A') + 1; IF flag_verbose | (SUBSTR(q->code_node.code_text,1,3)^='FFF' & SUBSTR(q->code_node.code_text,1,3)^='7FF') THEN IF SUBSTR(has_one,c,1) THEN SUBSTR(has_dupl,c,1) = true; ELSE SUBSTR(has_one,c,1) = true; q = q ->; END; /* do q */ END calc_dupl; print_dupl_a : PROC(n,p,i); /* print all duplicates from memory i */ DCL (p,q) PTR; DCL (n,i,c) FIXED BIN(31); q = p; DO WHILE( q^=NULL ); c = RANK(q -> code_node.mem) - RANK('A') + 1; IF c=i THEN PUT EDIT('File ', q->code_node.file_no, '[', put_hex4(n), ']', q->code_node.mem, q->code_node.code_text) (A,F(2),X(1),A,A,A,A,X(1),A); PUT SKIP; q = q ->; END; /* do q */ PUT SKIP; END print_dupl_a; print_dupl : PROC(n,p,has_dupl); /* print all duplicates from each memory in has_dupl vector */ /* changes has_dupl */ DCL p PTR; DCL has_dupl BIT(26) ALIGNED; DCL (n,i) FIXED BIN(31); i = INDEX(has_dupl,true); DO WHILE( i^=0 ); SUBSTR(has_dupl,i,1) = false; CALL print_dupl_a(n,p,i); i = INDEX(has_dupl,true); END; /* do i */ END print_dupl; print_code : PROC; /* complain about duplicates */ DCL i FIXED BIN(31); DCL p PTR; DCL has_dupl BIT(26) ALIGNED; put skip; put list('Duplicate microinstructions'); put skip; put list('---------------------------'); put skip; DO i=0 TO max_addr-16; /* IGNORE TIME STAMP @ 7FF0 */ p = code_anchors(i); IF p^=NULL THEN IF p -> ^= NULL THEN DO; /* at least 2 entries */ CALL calc_dupl(p,has_dupl); IF has_dupl ^= '0'B THEN CALL print_dupl(i,p,has_dupl); END; END; /* do i */ END print_code; print_summary : PROC; /* print out summary of .U40 file */ DCL (i,j,k) FIXED BIN(31); DCL c CHAR(1); PUT EDIT('File #') (A(8)); DO i=1 to max_file_seen; PUT EDIT(i,'') (F(8),A(8)); END; PUT SKIP; PUT EDIT('Name') (A(8)); DO i=1 to max_file_seen; PUT EDIT(file_name(i),'') (A(15),A(1)); END; PUT SKIP; PUT EDIT('Micro2') (A(8)); DO i=1 to max_file_seen; PUT EDIT(micro2_ts(i),'') (A(15),A(1)); END; PUT SKIP; PUT EDIT('Alloc') (A(8)); DO i=1 to max_file_seen; PUT EDIT(alloc_ts(i),'') (A(15),A(1)); END; PUT SKIP; DO j = 0 TO 25; IF SUM(j)>0 THEN DO; PUT EDIT( BYTE(RANK('A')+j)||'CODE', '' ) (A(5),A(3)); DO i=1 to max_file_seen; PUT EDIT(code_count(i,j),'') (F(12),A(4)); END; PUT SKIP; END; END; /* do j */ PUT SKIP; END print_summary; /*************************************/ /************ main program ***********/ /*************************************/ CALL prologue; eof = false; ON ENDFILE(uldfile) eof = true; GET FILE(uldfile) EDIT(buf) (A(132)); DO WHILE (^eof); CALL process_one_line; GET FILE(uldfile) EDIT(buf) (A(132)); END; /* do while */ CALL print_summary; gbl_anchor = sort_list(gbl_anchor); IF flag_xref THEN CALL print_xref; CALL print_ext_gbl; CALL print_code; call epilogue; end; /* alloc4 */